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Home Schooling


Educating Your Child from Home (Home Schooling)

Home SchoolingFor a variety of reasons, some families prefer to educate their child on their own, at home, without assistance from their local school district. Parents or guardians who decide to home school their child are completely responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study. They select the curriculum and educational materials and take responsibility for educating their children. Parents also must agree to:

  1. Provide 900 hours of instruction per year;
  2. Notify the superintendent every year; and
  3. Provide an assessment of the students work, this link documents the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) requirement.


To provide home school instruction, you, or the person providing instruction, must have one of the following qualifications:

  • A high school diploma;
  • The certificate of high school equivalence (GED);
  • Standardized test scores that demonstrate high school equivalence; or Another equivalent credential found appropriate by the district superintendent.

If you do not have one of the above qualifications, someone who has a college degree from a recognized college must supervise your instruction. This is until you obtain a high school diploma or GED.


As the parent or guardian, you must notify the superintendent of the public school district where your family resides about your intention to home school your school-age child or children. Ohio law requires all children between the ages of six and 18 to attend school. Notification must be received no later than the first week of the start of the District's classes or within one week the date on which the child begins to reside in the district or within one week from the child's withdrawal from a school. Failure to notify the school district of residence the family is homeschooling its child or children will result in truancy. The notification to the school district must include:

1.  Your qualifications to home school (see above list of requirements)

  • Confirmation that you will provide a minimum of 900 hours of instruction that must include the following subjects:
    Language, reading, spelling and writing;
  • Geography; history of the United States and Ohio; and national, state and local government;
  • Science;
  • Health;
  • Physical education;
  • Fine arts, including music; and
  • First aid, safety and fire prevention;

2.  A brief outline of the curriculum for the current school year;
3.  A list of textbooks, correspondence courses, commercial curricula or other basic teaching materials that you plan to use; and

4.  Your signature.


A sample notification form is provided at right. 


Please email the above-listed information to
Feel free to call us at 614-491-8288 with any questions.


Ohio Department of Education

Frequently-Asked Questions

Ohio Revised Code

Sample Notification Form

Sample Notification Form (.rtf)

Where to Send Completed Notification Form

Please email the completed notification form to

Who to Contact with Questions

Call our Enrollment Office, at 614-491-8288