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Bus Routes


Bus Rider Eligibility

Bus RidersIn accordance with Board of Education Policy and Ohio Law, Groveport Madison Schools provides bus service to students living one mile or more from their assigned school. Exceptions to these limits may be made in the case of a temporarily- or permanently-disabled child (and special transportation accommodations are required by the student’s IEP) and in the case of adverse safety conditions. The District assigns centrally-located, regional bus stops to provide the most convenient access to the greatest number of students on the bus route.






Groveport Madison Schools and Petermann Transporation use the Versatrans e-Link app to safely and securely communicate bus route information to parents and students. Instructions for setting up your child's e-Link account are provided below.


Signing Into e-Link

Bus route passwords are reset at the beginning of each school year! To sign into the Versatrans e-Link account, use your child's six-digit student I.D. number for BOTH the user name and the password.  Once you sign into the account for the first time, you will be prompted to set a personal password for your account for the remainder of the school year.

Click “Log-In

  1. Click “Work with Students
  2. Click “View My Student
  3. Click a Student’s Name to be taken to their transportation information page. Please read this page carefully as it explains the morning and afternoon transportation information for your student.

click here

To get bus route information click on the image above or click here.


Students with the same home phone number will be grouped together on the “View My Students” page. If, for some reason, you do not see all the students in your household, try logging in again using one of your other children’s information.

If you wish to make a change regarding your student’s pick-up or drop-off location, please log in to the online system and click on the “Parent Communication” link. Follow the instructions for completing the form. The alternate bus stop must be in the same attendance area as your child. Alternate stops outside that area will not be approved.


To access bus route information, the parent/guardian will need the student's I.D. # (issued by Groveport Madison Schools). You can locate the student I.D. # from the following sources:

  • Student's enrollment paperwork (the number is hand-written on the paperwork at the time of enrollment)
  • The student's lunch I.D. number (used in every cafeteria purchase)
  • The student's email address (the six numbers in the student's District-issued Go Cruisers email account)
  • As a last resort, you can call and ask the school secretary

If your search yields an "Invalid ID, Please try again." response, it means either that the student I.D. number is not correct or that the student is not eligible for transportation services. If you believe your address is eligible to receive transportation services, please check with your child's school to verify the information. In addition, a list of all bus routes is posted on the front door/window of your child's school.