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Board of Education

The Board of Education is interested in your ideas and concerns. The Regular Monthly Meeting provides an opportunity for public participation, whereby individuals have an opportunity to offer ideas and raise concerns in the public meeting.


If you would like to address the Board, here are some suggestions to consider:

  • Take your concern or idea to the person best suited to address it.
  • Meet with the teacher and/or principal; or
  • Contact the Superintendent or Treasurer; then
  • Email a Board of Education member if you are unsatisfied or feel that your idea or concern was not acknowledged. Their email addresses are included with each Board member's profile.

If you remain unsatisfied, you may wish to address the entire Board at its Regular Monthly Meeting. This can be done by signing the “Public Participation Sheet” before the meeting begins. You will need to provide your name, address, and topic to be addressed.

At the entrance to the Board room, guests will find Public Participation Forms. Please complete the form and turn it in to the Communications Director or the Board President prior to the start of the meeting.


During the Public Participation portion of the meeting, you will be asked to step to the front of the room to present your topic. Please keep in mind there is a three-minute limit for each speaker. Presenters are always welcome to provide handouts or other materials.


Please know that Public Participation is not a dialog or discussion between the speaker and the Board. It is an opportunity for you to present any ideas or concerns to the Board in a public forum. The Board will not debate the merits of your position; they will respectfully listen to your presentation.


You can expect the Board President to respond to your presentation through one or more of the following actions:

  • Ask the Superintendent or a member of the Administration to follow up with you
  • Refer your concern to a committee of the Board for further review
  • Set a date for further follow-up or review
  • Acknowledge that your concern may not be able to be addressed at the present time
  • Thank you for sharing your concern and taking the time to address the Board